In the Gospel John chapter 4 and verse 23, we find the following words.
But the hour cometh , and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.
We learn from that scripture, that, not everyone can worship The Father. He continued in that verse to say; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. KJV
Yes, the father decides who will worship him, and who will not. But! that is not what I was told as a youngster, seventy five years ago.
I was told, the reason I should go to church was because the bible says; Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. That is what all of us were told to do. Jew and Gentile alike. By our elders / parents and or guardians.
We did not make that choice, it was made for us.
Now! how do we reconcile that with the scripture above that clearly says, and I quote” The Father seeks those who will worship him in spirit and in Truth.” How do I, or, how do you know, how to worship the Father in spirit and in Truth.?
The simple truth is we do not know, and we did not know then, whether we were chosen or not. We obeyed our elders or else.
The fact of the matter is; They followed the traditions of their predecessors/elders.
And so did we. I must, and will return to this point again. In order to show the reader that everyone is sadly unaware of this all important fact. Generation after generation followed this path in obedience to our elders. In ignorance.
So then how do we know, and from whence comes that knowledge, so that we may determine for ourselves, whether or not, we are among those whom he seeks, or those He does not.
In the gospel of John chapter 14 and verse 6, Messiah said: ” I am the way, the TRUTH and the life, no man comes to the father but by me. ” KJV
Gets a little complicated, or so it might seem, but happily it is not.
Why? because we can turn to the scriptures for the answer. We do not have to guess or depend on any Mortal, that includes the writer of this article, no exceptions.
In the gospel of John we find the following words written. “No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him; and I will raise him up on the last day” John 6:44 KJV. And there you have it. The Father draws us to the son, the son in turn leads us to the Father.
But! that still leaves one question to be answered, and that question is simply this, how and when do we become aware of our calling?
Answer: The Father gets our attention and we turn to the WORD/scriptures.
Lets continue with the scriptures. Messiah prayed as follows for his disciples; “ I pray for them, I pray not for the world, and I come to thee Holy Father, keep through thine own name, those whom thou hast given to me, that they may be one as we are.” John 17:9 KJV
Now we begin to see that the world is not in the picture at this time, because he said and I quote,” I pray not for the world”. He prayed only for those whom the Father gave him.
From the scriptures above I demonstrated the line upon line instructions from the scriptures. Here are those scriptures.
Whom shall he teach knowledge? whom shall he make to understand knowledge? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept: Line upon line, line upon line, : here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28: 9-10 KJV.
But we must continue in them/the scriptures that is, as he instructed the People who believed in him in order to come to the place of the Knowledge of the truth which sets us free. from following tradition. According to the gospel of John chapter 8 and verse 31.
He /Messiah who is the Word who always existed, and was made flesh and dwelt among us. Emmanuel: Himself said that he is the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father without the son. No trusting in any man. No minister, no priest, no clergy, no man or woman of the cloth.
Traditional christian teaching is in direct opposition to those scriptures. They tell us to come and give our hearts to the Lord. The Lord does not want our hearts. From the prophet Jeremiah, we read the following words “Thus saith the lord, curse be the man who puts his trust in man.” In verse 9 of the same chapter he tells us:” The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; Who can know it? He continues in verse 10: I the Lord search the heart to give every man according to His ways and according to the fruit of His doings.” 17 5:9
Question: Why would he ask us to give our hearts to him, when he himself inspired the prophet Jeremiah to tell us that our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked?
Obedience to His instructions is what he requires, so that we can be sanctified by the knowledge of the truth.
In Mark chapter 7 and verse 7 we find the following words written; In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. Verse 8; for laying aside the commandments of God ye hold the traditions of men.
All man made religious organizations represent a lie, they perpetuate traditions which have been handed down to humanity for millenia. The people to whom he said those words were sitting in Moses seat, They also had it wrong. They Had the scriptures, which they abandoned for the traditions of their elders, which in turn made what they did, an exercise in futility.
Those who are now being called out by our Creator are sanctified by the truth. In the gospel of John the scriptures makes it abundantly clear that the world is not included. This is the time of the harvest of the first-fruits, which traditional religious teaching is totally unaware of. In 1st Corinthian 15:23 we learn the following: But every every man in his own order : Messiah the first-fruits ; afterward they that are his at his coming.
A final word; let no one send you on a guilt trip for not joining any man made religious organization so you can;” quote get saved” because the end of the world is near.
(a) the world is not coming to an end (b) you are not lost if you are not being called at this time, it simply means you are not among the first-fruits. You will not loose your salvation.
The good news is the coming of the Kingdom of heaven to this earth, now is the time when only those who are among the first-fruits can worship the Father in spirit and in Truth..
We learn from the Gospel of John 14 and verses 16 and 17 ; the world cannot receive the spirit of truth, that being the case, the world is not being judged at this time; the world is prevented from learning the TRUTH. Messiah prayed in John 17;17 Sanctify them by thy truth thy word is truth; as he prayed for his disciples the night before he was crucified.
In 17:9 he said I pray not for the WORLD but for those whom you have given me.
Kenrick Vernon
Author of the revelation of revelation. The book of revelation a total fraud. Not scripture.