More Proof:
The Scribes responsible for the Greek Old testament/Septuagint, Did not make any attempt whatsoever to tamper with the name of the Creator. They faithfully brought the name to the Septuagint, in its original language. That language was Hebrew.
If the Greek new Testament was inspired by our Creator, no attempt would have been made to depart from that procedure, in bringing the name Messiah/Emmanu’el to the Greek New Testament.
In the Gospel of John chapter 8 and verse 31; Messiah said to the people who believed in him, “if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed,” and you shall know the truth, and the knowledge of the truth shall make you free verse 32.
By following his instructions I will show you how, you too can come to the place of the knowledge of the truth, even when men tamper with his inspired words, and bring us lies.
In proverbs 30:6 we are told: Add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. The scriptures have proven them liars.
Moses in Deuteronomy Chapter 4 and verse 2; wrote the following words: Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, That ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you. KJV
Above I have shown you, that by– not– continuing in his words, the people who had no knowledge of those scriptures, brought us LIES, and disobeyed the commandments of the Most High..
I asserted also in part one of this article, that the people who brought the world Christianity, are the people who skilfully tampered with the book we call the new testament and produced a record of the new covenant writings, froth with lies, to promote their own agenda.
Little did they know, in their arrogant ignorance, that the Creator would guide us ( the believer ) into the truth by the “spirit of truth.”
Here is that scripture from John 16:13; CJB: Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but, whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come. That’s right future events would be revealed to the disciples/believer.
No scholar, no Priest no Religious leader who come to the scriptures with a fraudulent mindset can alter the inspired word of the Creator.
Let us look at more proof, that the new covenant writings were never inspired in the Greek Language.
We go to the Gospel of John once again, and this time to chapter four for the conversation with the Samaritan woman and the messiah at the well. Lets begin with verse twenty four; God/Elohim is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Now for the bombshell: The woman said unto him I KNOW THAT MESSIAHS COMETH– ( which is called Christ.)– When he comes he will tell us all things. Verse 25 KJV
If you missed the bold faced lie in that passage, no need to be puzzled. Millions of sophisticated and educated bible students before you and I, (ordinary folk) did likewise.
The woman clearly said, messiahs will tell us all things, she did NOT say (which is called CHRIST.) That sentence was added to the script by the people who promoted the existence of a Jesus Christ. Messiahs is the only name she knew and would be aware of, as a native of Israel living in the promised land in the first century. There is no way she would be familiar with the English word Christ, or the Greek word Christos. We see then, the fabricators once again, in their arrogant ignorance inserted another fraudulent line into the new covenant writings.
The word, or name Christ was not in use anywhere on this earth in the first century. There was no book called the New Testament until after the beginning of the fourth century AD/CE.
Comment: The spirit of truth guides the believer into all truth as promised by our Creator. And there I have shared with you, the truth by virtue of the workings of the spirit of truth.
Now for some lies that were never put in the Bible that were brought to us from tradition.
In part 1: I mentioned that the name POPE is not written anywhere in the Bible.
Here now is a list of some very familiar names and passages, which cannot be found written any where in the bible/scriptures. Christians the world over are completely oblivious to this fact.
Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Nun,
Feasts of various Saints, Mother Superior, Lent, ash Wednesday,
Convent, assumption of Mary, Rosary, Catechism,
Vicar of Christ, First Sunday of advent,
Mass. Christmas, Immaculate conception, Mother of God.
Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, and Holy Week.
and last but not least, using the name father when addressing any religious figure. In the gospel of Matthew, the messiah told his disciples; not to call anyone on Earth father, ( WHY? ) because you have one father and he is in heaven. 23:9. From the CJB.
But that seems to be a major contradiction to the command which says Honor your Father and your mother, But such is not the case, from those passages we can only conclude that calling anyone else Father, except for your heavenly and earthly Father, is unacceptable to our Creator. ( That was a direct command from Immanu’el, God himself. To his disciples.
Many religious systems have been established by various religious organizations all over this world, which have been handed down for centuries, following in the traditions of the elders, you and I have been taught, to go to church because it is a righteous thing to do.
But! is this a biblical command ? Where can we find the evidence in the scriptures, to prove that we should go to church on Sunday. Or is that the same as remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.? No, its not I’ll show you why.
Above I mentioned that many religious systems have been handed down to us by the people who came before us.
All of our religious practices stem from tradition and not from knowledge of the scriptures.
For example the names of days from the Roman calendar, that are found in many church doctrines, do not have their origins in the scriptures. The names of the days of the week are Roman in origin, they were not given by our creator. He assigned numbers to the weekly cycle.
So then, once again we find more lies as we continue in the word. Lies put there by the people who tampered with scriptures.
We know from the scriptures, that we can in fact worship our creator in vain, we learn that from the gospels of Mark and Matthew. Here once again is the proof from the scriptures:
In Mark 7 and verses 1 through 9, here is what we find:
Then came together unto him the pharisees and certain of the Scribes, which came from Jerusalem.
And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, unwashed hands, they found fault.
For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of their elders.
And when they came from the Market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups and pots, brazen vessels, and of tables.
Then the Pharisees and Scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples According to the tradition of the Elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?
He answered and said unto to them, Well has Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written. This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
for laying aside the commandments of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of cups: and many other such like things you do.
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
And there you have it, the people who were sitting in Moses seat, had no regard for the commandment of God, The Traditions of the elders were more important to them. and they were sitting in Moses seat, they had authority.
Unlike the people who went about the business of establishing their own religious systems by the precepts of men.
Question: Have you been the victim of worshiping your creator in vain, because you followed the traditions of men ? Even though you had the very best intentions at heart? I’ll bet you have.
The question we need to ask ourselves is simply this; how do we know we are not worshiping the creator in vain? the answer can be found in the gospel of John in chapter 4. Messiah said to the woman at the well in Samariah, God/Elohim is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. ( Not after Tradition )
John 4 and verse 23 : the father seeketh such to worship him in Spirit and in truth.
In Mark chapter 7 we learn that if we follow tradition, we worship him in vain.
Finally, man’s idea of righteousness is not only unacceptable to him, but downright putrid in his sight.
From Isaiah 64 and verse 6 CJB
This is how he sees man’s righteousness;
All of us are like some one unclean, and all our righteous deeds, as MENSTRUAL RAGS. Those words are pretty graphic I am sure you will agree. I will leave you with this question: Who are these people, who never fathered any children who are addressed as father?
A word on tradition: The largest Christian denomination, practices a ritual called last rites
Question : Are you aware of the fact, that last rites is not written anywhere in Your bible?
Author of the revelation of revelation. The book of revelation a total fraud. Not scripture.