And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of their graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Matt: 27: 52, 53 KJV
In verse fifty we are told Jesus / Emmanu’el gave up the spirit, and the bodies of many dead saints which slept arose.
Many, not all.
Question; Why not all? Let me hazard a guess.
They did not make it out of Purgatory?
Three days and three nights later, we find the resurrected saints going into the holy city, where they were seen by many. verse 53 clearly states ” and came out of their graves AFTER his resurrection.
Note: The resurrected saints waited in the grave yard before going into the holy city at the time of his resurrection.
They arose at the time of his death. verse 52.
Question: Who were these special saints, and how would anyone identify them as such?
The holy spirit was not generally given until the festival of first-fruits / Pentecost some time later, to be exact 50 days later, after the Passover events, See acts chapter 2 verses 1-4. Prior to that event only the prophets were the recipients of the holy spirit.
Dead saints cannot be resurrected until the messiah returns.
Here is the proof: 1st Corinthian 15 and beginning in verse 20;
But now is messiah risen from the dead, and become the First-fruits, of them that slept (“died”)
Verse 23: but every man in his own order, messiah the first-fruits;
Afterward they that are messiah’s at ” HIS COMING ”
Here is re-enforcement from another passage of scripture:
Now this I say Brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption. verse 50
I a moment , in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed verse 52 KJV.
The Apostle to the gentiles in this letter, was addressing the saints in the Corinthian congregation, not the the people of the world.
And there you have the answer right from the scriptures;
Messiah the first-fruits from the dead.
The ” Saints,” are resurrected at the time of his return.
Once again we learn the truth by continuing in his words.
That entire passage from Matthew chapter 27 is a lie.
It never happened, as the scriptures from Corinthians clearly show:
Messiah the first-fruits, and they that are his at his coming.
Not before!
Fraudulent passages abound in the New testament writings more to come.
I have always questioned this passage in the gospel of Mathew, it is not written in any of the other gospels, it is contrary to all the scriptures which speaks of the resurrection of the saints/first-fruits.
Kenrick Vernon
Author of the revelation of revelation. The book of revelation a total fraud. Not scripture.