The gates of the grave/hell shall not prevail against the church. From the memorial Scroll, that passage reads against the gates of Hades, shall not prevail against the assembly. Throughout the many English translations of the scriptures, we can find the Greek word Hades, rendered “Hell” either by the translators, or the people who once again tampered with the scriptures.
Note: The Greek word Hades, means grave not hell. Hell is a place conjured up by Greek Poets. It is not a place in the bible. The scriptures tell us in Genesis; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ( HELL is an imaginary Place.) It does not exist. The scriptures no where records the existence of a place called HELL.
Next we come to this often quoted passage from the gospel of Matthew; Thou art Peter and upon this rock I shall build my assembly/Church and the gates of the grave shall not prevail against it. Matthew 17 and verse 18. That narrative is found only in the gospel of Matthew no where else.
Several things to consider at this point: The name Peter, and the rock upon which the assembly/Church is built.
Lets look at the name Peter: It is English in origin, not Hebrew. Else where in the gospels we are told, that the Lord/Emmanu’el/ changed or added that name to Shimon’s. We can also find the disciple being called Simon Peter. His name is Shimon, he was Hebrew not English. The name was added to the scriptures by the people, who would have us believe that Peter/Shimon was the first POPE.
The name Pope cannot be found written anywhere in the BIBLE, the church/assembly does not have any mortal as the head. In the book of Ephesians The Apostle Sha’ul/rendered Paul, was inspired to inform the assembly in Ephesus that Immanu’el/Christ is the head of the church
Here is that passage from the Memorial Schroll: So then you are no more strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of Elohim/God. Ephesians 2:19
Being built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Mashiyach himself being the chief cornerstone, verse 20. See also Ephesians 4:15
The messiah then, being the chief cornerstone, proves that the passage in Matthew is a fraudulent work.
Note: There was no disciple called Peter, and the none existence of a person called Pope in the scriptures is further proof of tampering with the scriptures.
All the people in the first century congregation passed away more than 1800 years ago. We have no record of a continuing assembly. All the apostles also died, and no one was charged with the responsibility to carry on.
Note: The record speaks for itself, the grave prevailed against the church.
If the above article is the only one you have read from these posts, Please see the articles on Christianity from Rome.
Author of the revelation of revelation. The book of revelation a total fraud. Not scripture.