The Bible scholars of yesterday, tell us that the new testament was written/inspired in the Greek language. Not so say today’s scholars. It was Aramaic, the language spoken by the messiah and the people of his day. The Institute for scripture research and others, also agree. In Part one, I demonstrated from the scriptures, there was no Jesus Christ in the first century. More Proof: The Scribes responsible for the Greek Old testament/Septuagint, Did not make any attempt whatsoever to tamper…..
The gates of the grave/hell shall not prevail against the church. From the memorial Scroll, that passage reads against the gates of Hades, shall not prevail against the assembly. Throughout the many English translations of the scriptures, we can find the Greek word Hades, rendered “Hell” either by the translators, or the people who once again tampered with the scriptures. Note: The Greek word Hades, means grave not hell. Hell is a place conjured up by Greek Poets. It is not…..
From Mark 16 and vs.15 we read the following, and he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Millions of Christians over the centuries have assumed, that command is for anyone who reads it. Sadly they neglect to take into consideration what is written in the previous verse. Here is what we find in verse 14; Afterwards he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them for their…..
Christians everywhere, should be aware of the fact, that the protestant churches came about, as a result of the people who took exception, to the power the Pope was exercising over all of Christianity. From the scriptures they determined that he had no such authority, and another group of Christians was spawned, calling themselves protestants with their many denominations. What they failed to do centuries past, was to thoroughly examine where Christianity originated. The Hebrew scriptures ( the new covenant writings )…..
Can the scriptures reveal the truth? Have you ever had the nagging suspicion at times during your bible reading / study that what you were reading may not have been inspired? Though warned against, did men tamper with the scriptures? Scripture can and does reveal the truth, and yes, men did tamper with scriptures. Ken, in his 50 plus years of study can show you how scripture reveals the truth regardless of the fraudulent work of unscrupulous individuals. Welcome to the Revelation…..